Colorful Shapes

Conquering Alpe d'Huez

Alpe d'Huez Triathlon


Alpe d'Huez, France

Official website





On Thursday 26th July 2024, I participated alongside 1,562 athletes in the legendary Alpe d'Huez triathlon, Long distance format, where I won the professional women's race in 6h20min31s, 26 min ahead of my rivals and ranked 26th scratch, earning the title of « The Queen of Legend ».<br>This was the most physically and mentally demanding race I've ever done. It was a magnificent sporting and human experience in the heart of the French Alps, set against breathtaking scenery.


The race consisted of a 2.2 km swim in the Verney Lake in the valley, with water temperatures at 17°C; followed by a 118 km bike ride, including a 3200 m positive elevation gain, traversing four mountain passes, including the legendary ascent of the 21 bends of Alpe d'Huez. Finally, it ended with three 6 km laps of a challenging run course at 1800 m altitude at the summit of Alpe d'Huez. It was a significant challenge and a very tough race due to its distance and challenging course.
At 9:30 am, we all started together, creating a beautiful moment of shared experience with more than 1,500 athletes. I came out of the water with the first group of professional men and then embarked on the long bike course. It was the toughest and longest race I have ever done, so it was crucial to manage my effort well on the bike to arrive at the base of Alpe d'Huez with enough energy to climb the 1000 m of altitude and the 21 legendary bends before the second transition. During the difficult moments, I thought of the other 1,562 athletes on the course, their courage, and humility, which gave me the strength to keep going. There were times when doubt crept in, and I had to draw on my internal resources to continue. I also allowed myself to admire the breathtaking landscape during the long and hard climbs, which gave me positive energy and allowed me to enjoy the present moment, even in the pain. I executed my race by focusing on the next sections; the cheers from the fans lifted me, and that's how I arrived at the top of Alpe d'Huez in first place. I puzzled many people by climbing Alpe d'Huez in my aero position and with force. This is my way of riding, and I train that way too. It's the "Sutto method." Many people also asked me how many watts I pushed during the climb. Sorry to disappoint, but I don't have power meters on my bike; I ride by feel, listening to my body. And it works, as I completed the Alpe d'Huez climb in less than an hour, overtaking several of my male competitors.
The run was a real challenge for me; it was the point where mental strength played a big role. There were three 6 km loops to complete, with a total of 400 m of elevation gain, on a mixed terrain of trail, gravel, and asphalt.
With pain everywhere and severe muscle aches, the pain was intense, but sharing it with other athletes on the course helped me find the strength to keep going. I had to refocus on myself to forget the pain. Running alongside all these other brave athletes motivated and inspired me, allowing me to push my limits. The support of my family and friends also gave me the strength to go beyond my limits. I thought of my parents, who completed a 102 km Ultra trail race last week, and I told myself that I could also finish this race. I couldn't believe it when I crossed the finish line first, an incredible moment shared with my parents and a cheering crowd! It was a relief after such a physical and mental effort. It's amazing to see all these age group athletes finish this race; they are true warriors, conquerors of this sporting adventure!
This was the most challenging race I've ever done, but also the most beautiful! A huge thank you to Cyrille Neveu, his family, and all the members and volunteers of the Alpe d'Huez triathlon organization for giving me the opportunity to start this legendary race and for the grand organization! It was a real pleasure to compete in Alpe d'Huez. It was an honor for me to win this race. I am grateful to my coach Brett Sutton, who guided me throughout my preparation. For over 30 years, athletes coached by Brett Sutton have competed in this event, and several of these former champions have won it. I am proud to have achieved victory and to carry on this tradition.
If you're considering taking on a challenge, remember to believe in yourself and listen to your body. Every effort counts, and you are all capable of great things!